Year 2017
After 4 years of cooperation, Mr. Engelbert SCHMID awarded us an exclusive sales office for Slovakia.
The MUSICTECH Slovakia s.r.o. company became on the 1st of April an affiliate of the I.S.H.Saiten und Harfen Vertriebs GmbH company, which is the main supplier of Lyon Healy harps for Europe. Thus, we are the exclusive representative for Slovakia.
At the same time we became an exclusive representative for LEITZINGER company, top producer of professional bassoons.
Year 2016
We started our cooperation with SILVERSTEIN company, the ligature maker for clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces.
Year 2015
We opened a new showroom.In December we became an exclusive representatives of top clarinet and saxophone reeds maker GONZALEZ for Slovakia.
Year 2014
We became an exclusive retail representatives for Slovakia of JODY JAZZ company, top maker of saxophone mouthpieces.
During the summer, Mr. Volkmara Kuehnle, retail manager of BUFFET CRAMPON GROUP, visited our office. We agreed on cooperation and I became a selling official of these instruments.
A cooperation with foreign makers helps me to keep in touch with new repair technologies. My workshop is equipped with the newest tools and instruments of German firm Josef Boehm.
Year 2013
In 2013 my company MUSICTECH Slovakia s.r.o. became a member of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
My cooperation with the top maker of French horns Engelbert Schmid, Germany, started in the same year. An internship at his place allowed me to extend the scale of repairs of brass instruments, especially French horns.
Year 2012
I extended the area of my interest to restoring of historical instruments.
This work is very specific, because it requires vast knowledge in the area of restoring. It is mainly the value of historical heritage, which is important to preserve. The restorer must know in detail the technology and materials used to make the instruments. It is necessary to know how to make the missing parts and how to restore the damaged ones in a skilled way. During 2013 and 2012 I have restored several historical brass instruments from 18th century for Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica city.
Year 2009
In 2009 I asked Mr. Finda – maker of top piccolos and a former solo piccolo player of FOK (Prague Symphony Orchestra) – to cooperate with me in piccolo overhaul. This nice cooperation lasts till today and Mr. Finda is my invaluable advisor in this very complicated repair category.
The growing interest of professional musicians in instruments overhaul, and the cooperation with abroad musical instruments producers led me to establishing of the company MUSICTECH Slovakia s.r.o. (2009). From the beginning I am successfully involved in public procurement for Slovak professional orchestras. In trading area I am cooperating with producers such as Buffet Crampon, Muramatsu, Adams, Schmid Leitzinger and others.
Year 2008
In 2008 I did internship in Japanese company Muramatsu, which belongs among the world top flute producers. I have been working in all departments and I took part in manufacturing process from the start to the final flutes adjusting. The internship had a profound significance for me, because I have learned exceptional things, which only the best producers know.
Today I am the exclusive representative reseller and serviceman of MURAMATSU company.
Year 2002
The fact of missing professional musical instruments service in Slovakia has brought me in 2002 to the idea of the wooden wind instruments repairing. First, I started to repair clarinets and saxophones. Later I became interested also in flutes and bassoons. Without professional guidance my work would fail, so I started to cooperate with a Dutch restorer Petrus Groot, who was working in England for flute maker Trevor James.